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Step 3:待足量的熱水都透過濾紙倒入杯中,就可以將濾紙拿走 finally: 妳可以依照自己的喜好加入牛奶或糖,最後,你就完成了一杯好喝的咖啡!! 說明:有時候我們會將奶茶跟咖啡一起混合飲用,稱之為"鴛鴦咖啡",這鴛鴦咖啡在香港是非常有名的,所以若喜歡喝奶茶的朋友,不妨照著上述的步驟,一比一或按照自己的口味將咖啡和奶茶混合,你將可以自己完成並享受到一杯美味的鴛鴦咖啡!! 最佳解答發問者自選 .. 回答者: Annie ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2009-03-09 12:02:52 [ 檢舉 ] .Step one: Apply the coffer filter paper over the cup, pour in the grounded coffer powder, and then pour hot water into the cup over the filter paper. Attention, don't pour too much hot water at once. Over the coffer powder is enough. Step two: Wait for about twenty seconds, wait until all the water filters into the cup and then repeat step one, pour hot water into the cup. Instruction: One coffee bag needs 200CC~ 250CC of hot water is decent. If you want a stronger flavor, pour the hot water slower, and wait for it longer. Control the amount of hot water at around 200CC. On the other hand, if you don't want your coffee that strong, pour in the water quicker, and add more water! Step three: After all the hot water goes through the filter, remove the filter paper. finally: one can add sugar and cream by how they like it. at last, you have a good cup of coffee! Instruction: Sometimes we can add milk tea and coffer together, which is called "yuan yian(或mandarin ducks) coffee". yuan yian coffee is very famous in hongkong. so people who enjoys milk tea could follow the steps above and with one's own taste mix coffee and milk tea together. after finishing the steps above, you have finished and can enjoy a delicious cup of ying yuan coffee! 參考資料 me 相關詞: 英文歌,英文名字,英文翻譯,英文自我介紹,英文自傳,英文字典,英文單字,英文諺語,英文髒話,學英文 英文,water,咖啡濾紙,the cup,翻譯,咖啡,水都濾過,文章,the amount of,不確定[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 非常謝謝你... .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •解析奧斯卡電影背後的秘密 相關問答 [ 西方文學 ]取英文名字可找哪個網站? . [ 英文 ]英文英文!!!HELP ME(20點) . [ 英文 ]英文 改怎麼學??! . [ 升學考試 ]怎麼把英文拼起來 . [ 英文 ]想從頭學英文 . [ 英文 ]英文補習班哪裡的好呢? . 更多 .其他回答(1) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 小C ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2009-03-09 10:18:52 [ 檢舉 ] ..你好 step 1:Hangs the coffee filter paper on the cup, pours into the coffee powder, again pours into the hot water penetration filter paper in the cup…The attention, do not have but actually too to be juicy, has covered first the water the coffee powder then step 2: Wait for about 20 seconds, after all water to filter the cup approximately, then defer to the similar step, second time pour into in the cup the hot water Explanation: A coffee package probably needed 200~250cc the water will be enough. If you hoped it tastes rich, the hot water pours into the coffee mesh the speed to slowl, the standby period also must elongate slightly, water volume control about 200cc….If compares by chance the pale taste, the second after movement may fast somewhat, the water volume also be possible to join many!! step 3: Waits the full quantity the hot water all to penetrate the filter paper to pour into in the cup, may take away the filter paper finally, you may add milk or sugar to own likes , after that,you have completed a tasty coffee!! Explanation: Sometimes we will be able to mix together the tea with milk with the coffee drink, called it " mandarin duck coffee ", this mandarin duck coffee in Hong Kong is extremely famous, if therefore likes the friend who drinks the tea with milk, might as well is illuminating the above step, one to one or defers to own taste the coffee and the tea with milk mix, you might own complete and enjoy to a cup of delicacy mandarin duck coffee!! 希望對你有幫助 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 最新英文 發問中 已解決 .請問下列關於時態的翻譯何者正確? 一首英文歌詞,麻煩幫我翻譯成中文 (急)求Reader digest 一篇文章!!!!! 英文 雪擇題 請球解惑 英文文章內容翻譯的問題 更多 Do you think this is a good ? 請幫我翻譯口語話英文~不要翻譯軟體翻的 有人想補英文口說和多益嗎??? 幫我翻譯一下工業用英文 60 days B/L date end of month? 更多 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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